Robert 15th December 2019

15 days and my second attempt to write a fitting tribute to my most amazing best friend John. Over 43 years ago John came to the Andre Bernard salon in Ipswich ( for a few months before his Japanese trip ) I was a newly qualified wet behind the ears hairdresser with not a lot of confidence in my own ability. John changed all that. He took me under his wing, we went out and did hair shows together. The start of a life long friendship. When he came home every year he always came to visit ( in a world long before the Internet) We always stayed in touch, not always easy with John and Shanties globe trotting since their retirement. It was never a case of out of sight out of mind, some our phone conversations lasting over an hour, a true friend. Knowing John I’m sure all the angels in heaven have new hairstyles and all the salons will be under a refit. I can only agree with all the lovely things people have said about John, kind, caring, funny , loving, considerate. We are going to miss this amazing man. He will remain in my thoughts for ever. A big man who leaves a big hole in our lives. Until we meet again Robert